
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

say hello to Shas'O Fi'rios Mont'yr Shovah!

here is the new commander for my Tau! he is a forge world model,and if anybody has a foot(a bit odd, i know) i need one. actually, i need quite a few crisis suit feet. the above model had different feet though. he is also around 98% done. still need foot, that little disk in the back painted, and the count as Dawn blade still needs to be made. hes going to be a count-as farsight when i want him to be, but a normal commander when i feel like it. this week i only have around like 2 days of school cause of the cold, so i had some time to work on my guys.


  1. Looks cool! I've been using some Adeptus Battlegrey too on some marines to use as Wolves/Relictors.
    Want to play at AGENTS on Saturday?

  2. sure, why not? what time will you be there?

  3. How about in the afternoon? I like to sleep late on days I don't work :D Would 2:00 or 3:00 work?

    Seems like I saw you mention that you are a night person too somewhere. You don't happen to have a table/terrain at your house do you? We could do some midnight 40k lol.

  4. that works, and yes, i am a night person. i sorta have a table, its the right size but its just bare and folds in half so no legs and no grass cover. the ones at AGENTS are 10 times better.

  5. Right on. I'd like to make a table with cool terrain eventually, but I need to paint A LOT of guys before I mess with something like that.

    Let's say 3:00pm at AGENTS then.

  6. alright, that gives me plenty of time to play other people before hand. and im with ya on the fact that i would need lots of guys to justify maken a actual table.
