now everybody knows the most important thing in painting(besides paint/brush) is lighting, because it matters little how well you paint if you cannot see what you are painting. The different types of lighting are: room, lamp, and natural lighting. Room lighting is byfar the worst for you, as the light has to go from ceiling to you thus lessening the amount so its harder on your eyes to focus and such.
next is the lamp. It is when you have a normal bulb desk lamp and is a great improvement over room light, as it is closer too you and increases the amount of light directly given but still dulls the models as soft bulbs/normal are yellow so still not perfect.
now is the natural lights which are the best to cause less stress to your eyes as it is white light and imitates the sun so it causes less eye stress and is the brightest of the 3. But these lights are more expensive then the other 2. But in the long run, the natural light gives the best working light to use.
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