
Thursday, December 30, 2010

skaven 2nd wave!

thats right folks, the second wave of the Skaven models are now available for advanced order! the hell-pit abomination, Ikit Claw, doom flayer and more!

click here to go to the advanced order page. games-workshop

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

post soon.

sorry i have not posted anything in a while, what with Christmas being on a Saturday, the one day i got to work in the last 3-5 weeks, i have not been able to play. this is no excuse though(just getting black ops IS my excuse, though) and i shall post this sat. may do something between then and now of course.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

marry Xmas all!!

thats right, and i hope the big red man who breaks into your house and reverse robs you left some nice things!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

guard outfit.

sorry i havent posted anything in a while, its just that i have been working on my design plans for my kasrkin captain suit. it took a bit of guess work, looking at the drawings in the codex, and sizing, but i think i have the right sizes. i even made a mock-up of a las-rifle. i just need to make the final version out of some wood and stuff. thats where i have a problem. i have no idea how to make the armor plates for the suit. any ideas? and if you want, i can try to come up with any outfit you want. i just need reference pics of it. once i find out HOW to make the armor, i can make the suits and not just design them, though. so any help would be appreciated.      

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

morale victories

as most of my friends know, i dont normally win, but i do go for moral victories. these include grots killing anything in shooting or CC, killing their main HQ, or anything random happening. if i was a sore loser i probably would have quit long ago, but im not, so im good. in this game if you are doing bad you need to be able to laugh at yourself every once in a while.

(on a side note, i think not having a single list for almost any stretch of time might have something to do with the winning thing)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ultra Marines Movie review!

thats right folks! i got my copy of the movie today and decided to watch it right away. there was some other stuff i needed to do, but i was like "screw that, im watching my movie." so i watched my movie.

now the case looks amazing, just wondrous! the movie itself starts off a little slow, i admit. but look at it like one of Abnetts books, and it is amazing. very good voice acting, and the voice acting is incredible.once the action gets started, it flows great. the one weird thing is that the ships PA system sounds like a mono-tone German from the Rockie movie, and its not a bad thing, just not expected.

the fact that its the ultra marines shows that the bad guys are, of course, the black legion. the graphics are great for how much time went into it and it allowed the creators to save some money so they would not have to add a love interest or some small kid needed to be saved. they are still quite good no matter how you look at it.

it still has the great story told by Abnett, so i would strongly recommend getting this movie, and hope for more in the future. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

battle report

ok i have a special for the first battle report, a 3-way battle! we have daemons, daemon hunters, and orks. kill points, dawn of war.

daemon list-2x Khorne heralds, chariots, blood god blessing, unholy might, chaos icon, 280
10 plague,
15 blood letters
10 blood letters, furry.
soul grinder, tongue.


hunters-Grand master, holy relic, daemon hammer, icon of just, emperors tarot, consecrated scrolls, Grimoire of true names, master crafted, sacred incence, vagueats of warding, retinue 5 gray knight terminators, psycannon.
5 gray knight, psycannon.
10 stormtroopers, 2 plasma guns
1 evesor assassin.

orks- Warboss, pk, cybork.
 big mek, force-field.
20 boyz, shootas, 2 big shootas, nob,
27 boyz, nob, 1 BS.
13 ard boyz, nob, PK.
10 lootas
9 storm boyz
                                         (hunters left, orks right)

hunters go first, evesor moves up with the terminators, the storm troopers shoots the orks in the building closest to them, no kills, 1 plasma shot killed 1, knights run 5, evesor runs 4, the normal knights shoot and kills 1 storm boy. evisor didn't kill anyone.

this is the ork set up, left building has the lootas, the boyz squad/warboss/mek are on the ground, ard boyz on the left ground,rokkit on the right ground, others on the right building.
didnt move, they shot the terminators with everything, didnt kill 1.

daemons 1 chariot, plague bearers, and soul grinder come in. the grinder is the drop pod, plague is the Tau(thought it was funny for T5 tau.) and the blood letters are orks. they have red on them. the soul grinder scattered and immobilized on the tube by the hunters. the plague scatter almost off the board but make it by the storm troopers. herald sticks the landing by the lootas.

hunters-the guard shot the plague, killed 2. evesor assaults them, kills 2, the plague kills her, and makes the saves when she blows up.

orks-waagh!, lootas get 3 shots each, killed 3 normal knights. the ard boyz assault the chariot, Herald kills 1. orks do 3 wounds, finish off last with pk. big mob charges the terminators, have 116 attacks, do 27 wounds, fails the exact amount needed to kill them off.

chaos-the chariot/big blood letters com in.  plague charge, get the storm troopers, kill 2, they pass leadership.    

hunters-move away from orks, shoot and kill 5 of the orks. the nurgle assault still goes on, no deaths.

orks-shoot chariot, wounds it, lootas kill 2 of the blood letters way away. assault chariot, kills 2 orks, 2 wounds on him.

chaos- last blood letters come in, scatter and lose 2 to difficult terrain checks. chariot dies, plague battle still no deaths.

hunters-nothing, no plague battle change.

orks-lootas get 30 shots, killed 11 blood letters(big squad). the remaining big squad assaults into the nurgle assault, hunter/daemons team up against orks. each killed 3 orks. all orks against nurgle. 3 killed, orks lost, ran because had LD10, down 3, rolled 9. got away.

chaos-blood letters ran, nurgle lost 1 guy, no kills, saved the fearless wound.  

hunters-kill 2 orks.

orks-still fall back, lootas 20 shots, kill the rest of the blood letters.

chaos-assault still no kills.

game ends. orks 5 KP, hunters 0 KP, chaos 1 KP. so i tied as im in the middle.  

played a second game against the hunter. same everything. lost by 1 KP. was close the whole game. if i remembered soul grinders could fleet i would have killed his terminators. his last unit left. so 1-3-3

Thursday, December 9, 2010


ok, i have come to terms with a addiction of mine, not one bad for health, per say, but bad for my wallet. now i see some people content with one or two armies, but i just cant stop wanting many armies. WH, Eldar, 'Nids, and Daemons.
this involves the later, thanks to some resources i came to get a copy of Codex: Daemons. i have a thousand point list that i have no idea of its power or abilities. plus the weird thing is that i dont like Khorne even though his aspects are the ones i enjoy the most...i love Nurgle, but his guys are expensive and are pretty under powered compared to the other powers. the bird guy( doesnt even deserve me looking up his name) is my most hated of the 4. Slaanesh holds a special place in my heart, as who doesnt love the thought of guardsmen, space marines, or even orks being tricked and killed by what they see as ultimate beauty.
   any ways i try to stave off these cravings, but this has me. i have a list and if it does well or i like them i might just get some daemons...

so heres the list.

HQ: 2x Khorne herald, chariot, blood god blessing, unholy might, chaos icon, 140/280

troop: 10 plague bearers, poisoned blades, 150
          15 Khorne bloodletters, hell blades, 240
          10 Khorne bloodletters, hell blades, furry, 170
Heavy: soul grinder, tongue, 160


now the blessing of khorne is one of the best upgrades you can get, it gives the model a 2+ save against any Psychic attacks against him, might is +1S, chariot is +1 S, +1 T, + 2 W, + 1 attack.plus he is no longer independent character. so on the charge my heralds will be +3 S 5 attacks, so S8 attacks at WS 6. the plague bearers are for holding objectives at T5, with FNP and wounds on 4s no matter what, unless they are the same S as the T model they are hitting and get to re-roll the missed wound rolls. the Khorne are the big CC units for taking objectives or tearing through units, as they all have power weapons, and furious assault get +1 S and I on the charge. now the soul grinder is the main and only anti-vehicle unit i have, with the S 10 gun, along with its armor value 13 on front and sides. so just need to see how it goes this sat. and i will hopefully get a battle report or two for that day.     

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Orcs & Goblins

They have Just announced the release of the new Orc army book in March and will be releasing new models along with the army book. more on this when the information is available! 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

games. so i played recently and heres what i got.

right, for the first game it was my orks vs. imperial guard. sorry, no battle-report. i will do one in the future, but for now know that it was dawn of war deployment, 4 objectives. in the end we tied, but i lost around 90% of my force while killing only 60% or so of his. the next game i played was against marines. same deployment, same mission with 5 objectives. this i lost 2-1. it didn't help that he had 3 terminator squads, 2 of them lightning claws, one of those has a chaplain so re-rolls on to hits on charge and re-rolls on wounds any time. still a good game. so score is now 1-2-2

Thursday, December 2, 2010


ok there has been a lot of talk about warmahordes, and a great deal of people play it where i game so ive been thinking about starting. the big problem is that i cant decide (besides if im even going to start) between Troll Bloods or Khador. i love Khadors warjacks, plus i think if you are going to have robots fight, why take light ones? its HUGE robots fighting, and a light one is going to get scrapped. also i love getting up CC. i Love the Trolls because of their fluff and some of their models, so im even on both. the big thing is that in the Khador battle box you get a different one then the one i like, the Butcher. plus it wont come with the warjack i love the most, the Decimator. because who wouldent want a Jack with a buzz saw the height of a man and a big cannon to, well, decimate things? other than that i love them both and cant decide... because the Trolls have the regeneration, cool looking guys, gunnbjorn who looks awsome. just not sure... any ideas?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

DUST tactics

ok, theres been a new game out for some time, and i just found it and its called DUST tactics. the idea is that the Germans in WWII found a crashed alien ship in Antarctica with a living crew member. from this they gained the ability to create walking vehicles, lasers and more. the Allies soon gained this same tech, so its been a stalemate for years as its set in 1947. truth be told , i hate the Allies walkers. they just took Sherman tanks and added legs,   where as the Germans have mecha looking ones.  all in all, i would love to play this, just because i love mecha and alternative history. but i would be the Germans, because just look at the American one, it sucks.

Friday, November 26, 2010


thats right folks, i just won a game in i dont know how long! it was kill points and  i won 7-4 with my orks. i was so happy! im going to start a win-draw-lose status form now on. 1-0-0 lets hope the trend stays!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey, I know it a bit late but Fantasy Flight Games has its once a year sale and the deals are amazing! the sell goes until Dec. 6 so still some time. I got a box set of 3 kolossis(not right spelling) for $6! The box is normally $30 and a good substitute for killa kans. The series I got them from is AT-43 red blok.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

new Blood Angels models in February.

thats right folks. the Blood Angels will be getting next wave of models, and this is a big hint towards the Storm Raven being released. this could only be the reason why they are being promoted and not the still new dark Eldar. will see soon if this assumption is correct.

Storm raven, or Storm lame-n?

Now, sorry for the cheesy title, but i think this looks horrid. i mean, look at it! they stuck a box on the front, then went "oh, i guess it needs wings" so they added some in the BACK of the raven, not the side like normal flying things,oh no, they had to put them in the back. Brilliant. well rant over, but you can tell that i dislike it, but how 'bout you?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cyclic ion blaster

ok on a side note, someone was questioning why i like the cyclic ion blaster, and here is some math to show why. out of 5 repeats i came up with this. 19/6 to shoot and 6 AP1 shots, 2 armor saves on T4 models with 17 doing nothing. so this is why i love it, it has lots of shots, plus the BS 5 helps, and the AP 1 auto kills marines of all flavors. so what if its S3? on a 6 your dead. so its pretty much a rending gun. now the same shooting stats, but against T3 models its 5 AP1 and 9 armor saves. and with guard being the major of T3 models,having a save of +5, not many will live. out of 5 tries, only 11 saves of 5+passed out of 45.(rolled 9 die 5 times.)

Friday, November 12, 2010


ok, im not the best at making lists, but i get by. heres my tau list for 1500

shas'O-cyclic ion blaster, missile pod, shield, stimulant injector,multi-tracker,bonding-142
guard #1-fusion,plasma,shield,multi-tracker,target-lock-97
guard #2-burst,flamer,shield,failsafe-82
3 XV8,2x burst cannons,2x flamers, fusion,plasma,target-lock-136
12 fire warriors,'ui, photon grenades, devilfish, disruption pod- 227
12 fire warriors,'ui, photon grenades,6 pulse carbines,devilfish,disruption pod- 227
12 fire warriors,'ui, photon grenades, 142
hammerhead,rail gun, disruption pod-145
sniper drones, one squad-80
2 broad sides,TL rail guns, smart missiles-140
Now this list is more on the aggressive side, which i dont see many tau players doing, and i feel that just castling-up is boring and not how the game is meant to be played.

the shas'o squad is geared to deal with all threats, while the XV8 squad is mostly anti-infantry with the one anti-tank lurking in there with them. the XV8 squad will deep strike onto the board most of the time. the lead squad is dependent on the opponent/objective/deployment.
the 2 squads in devilfish are for the capture and control/seize ground missions, because they can get pretty much anywhere and protect the fire warriors. the carbines are there to be able to pop out of the devilfish, shoot then assault them before they can, or hopefully pin them. they also are there for that reason to stop people attacking, this is why they only have half carbines, so that once they get objective they can hit far away plus rapid fire. the other foot fire warriors holds my objective.
the hammerhead is used to take out enemy tanks or take down large groups with the sub-munitions.
the snipers are, in my opinion, the best version of the snipers out, S6,AP3 pinning. these are good for taking out light-vehicles or HQs.
the broad sides are there to take out the tanks or to get big targets/important units.    

Saturday, November 6, 2010

about the dark eldar

well after first-hand experience, the dark eldar are a nice new dex, seeing as they are not "uber-death broken" and not a push over, they have a nice mix of the really nasty stuff and the o.k. stuff for it to be fun to play, but not an army people get for like a month till a way to beat the death-part of the army is found then they drop it for a different army. the fact that they can have a HQ choice of 3 haemonculus per HQ slot! now the reason for this is that they dont have any super stats, but they start with a pain token. now the witches can take an upgrade weapon that gives them D6 attacks + base/charging. over all they are fun to play.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

coolminiornot's $10,000 award

it seems that adeptacon is hosting a $10,000 award for the best painting, and going with their basic principle of letting people judge other paint jobs half of the score for the award will be public and the other half is judges.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

book review

ok im here to talk about a book that has allowed me to read warhammer books again after such a long time, Gav Thorpe's Path of the Warrior. the whole reason i stopped reading them is not because they are bad, they are amazing! its just because they are all about ether imperial guards or space marines. at first they were great, but because thats all there was i finally got tired of that. but this new book changes the norm, being about an eldar who starts off as an artist, but due to some events decides to join a aspect temple, becoming a striking scorpion and his journey after that. this book shows a lot of the social and psychological aspects of the eldar as a people. this is a big change from the classic as i stated above, and this is a change i endorse. this is a must read.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

looting pt. 2

ok now we have my deff dread. this took a bit of leg-work to get done because i like the three arms and scorcha  combo. so first i found a old bionicle toy from McDonald. i then proceeded to hack and slash to make the arms, like so.
i then  took two of the Tau flamers and stuck them together to make the scorcha.
for a little added character i put the head of an Ork in the torso that looks like it was eather torn off or the hole was blown open. it looks like he is piloting it.
 so this is how the model looks like when looked at completely. its one of my favorite conversions i have done so far.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


dont you just hate it when in a group and pretty much everyone except you are talking about annoying things like "Twilight", but since most everyone likes it you cant stop them, but if you talk about something you like, but they dont, you eather lose your right to talk about it, are ignored, or even worse kicked out of said group.

warhammer terrain

as you are all possibly aware, the new tower of sorcery is available for advanced order now. these pieces look amazing, GW keeps coming out with amazing looking terrain.
take a look here.sorcery tower                              
all intellectual property belongs to their respective owners, so i dont own the above link, or what have you.


thats right folks, this is about how to loot and the cheap.
Now this is a big area of Ork units that ether didn't have a model at the time or are expensive. now with me i like to have a theme in my armies so my orks have some looted tau stuff i got from a guy at my FLGS. i was able to get 2 devil fish, 6-8 crisis suits, and like 12 fire warriors. i first took the devil fish and roughed them up a bit by cutting out a chunk of the door, like it was ether blown up or ripped off.
i then took some chain and "chained" a fire warrior who decided to try and fight off the orks to the death.

then i cut out a hole for the boom gun to go, added a gun and secured it with cu up bits to look like scrap metal used to hold it on.

the final touch is the ork sticking out of the top hatch.
     and this is the final product! the paint is not the greatest, mostly because its a early model i made. the red marks on the side are ork glyphs reading "ork 2 Gaork" yea, miss spelled it a bit, but oh well. most people wont notice the slight problem. next up is my looted deff dread!

Monday, October 25, 2010

hello there!

this is a blog focusing on warhammer, both 40k and Fantasy. i am a student so i may have rush jobs or periods of non-posting, but i will try to update when ever possible! and, hey, you get the view point of a student about this wonderful hobby of ours. and remember, we are all students in life, because if we do not learn we become stagnant.