
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cyclic ion blaster

ok on a side note, someone was questioning why i like the cyclic ion blaster, and here is some math to show why. out of 5 repeats i came up with this. 19/6 to shoot and 6 AP1 shots, 2 armor saves on T4 models with 17 doing nothing. so this is why i love it, it has lots of shots, plus the BS 5 helps, and the AP 1 auto kills marines of all flavors. so what if its S3? on a 6 your dead. so its pretty much a rending gun. now the same shooting stats, but against T3 models its 5 AP1 and 9 armor saves. and with guard being the major of T3 models,having a save of +5, not many will live. out of 5 tries, only 11 saves of 5+passed out of 45.(rolled 9 die 5 times.)